In 2015 our founder provided an expert opinion report for litigation between two companies that had been formed out of a single company. The case concerned breach of contract and the use of trade secrets. In May of 2015 he was deposed for this case. In June of 2015 he...
In 2013 our founder provided an expert opinion report for litigation between two manufacturers of food packaging systems. The case related to a patent infringement, and in particular, how stress was carried through the frame of that machine. The case was settled...
In 2011 our founder provided an expert opinion report to the owner of a machine shop related to the potential of a thunder storm causing damage to a computer numeric controlled (CNC) machine tool. This report was used in negotiations with his insurance...
In 2004 our founder was deposed during arbitration between his former employer, a division of Thyssen Krupp, and their customer. As he had been the Director of Research & Development during the development of the assembly system in dispute, he was questioned about...
In 2014 our founder provided an expert opinion report for litigation between a technical college and a manufacturer of portable driver simulation systems. The case related to the ability of the driver simulation (training) system provided to met expected levels of...
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